Szivarvany is a Hunagarian children magazin from Romania. I’m collaborating with them now for a few years.
“Purple tail” (Lila mese) by Sikó-Barabási Eszter
“Grandpa and the stars” (Nagyapa meg a csillagok) by Lázár Ervin
“Csendes éj” (Silent night) by Nagyváradi János
“Király kis Miklós” (King Nicolas), Hungarian folk tail
“Hordó-mese” (Cask-tail) by Páskándi Géza
“Kismarkoló” (The little Excavator) by Döbrentey Ildikó
“My Family and Other Animals” by Gerad Durrel
Letter character illustrations
“The three pines” an old English tale
“A tornászó karácsonyfa” (The dancing Christmas tree) by Szőcs Margit
“A hólegény” (The snow lad) by Sikó-Barabási Eszter
“Furcsa járgány” (Strange machine) poem by Kiss Lehel
“The Old Woman in the Wood” by the Grimm Brothers
“Az ábrándos bárányfelhő” (The dreamy cloud lamb) by Sikó-Barabási Eszter
Four season fairies